Als Volontär matfueren
Als “Volontär“ ze schaffen ass eng wäertvoll Aarbecht, déi engem och selwer immens vill bréngt,
mee déi emotional a physesch Belaaschtung ass net z‘ënnerschätzen. Aus deem Grond kënne mir just
Leit mathuelen, déi wierklech fit sinn. Dir musst extrem flexibel sinn, well souwuel d‘Destinatioun, wéi
och d‘Aarbecht déi mir leeschte sollen, kënnen zu all Moment änneren. Et muss ee sech un d’Reegele
vun de Campen halen an Instruktiounen unhuelen an och ausféieren...
Momentan siche mir méi "Laangzäit-Volontären. Awer och Kuerzzäit Volontäre ginn zu Dunkerque/Grande Synthe bei eise Partner sur place gebraucht.
Sidd Dir interesséiert?
Da schreift eis eng Email. Mir kontaktéieren Iech da fir weider Detailer.
Join us!
Donating your time and skills is a great way of helping us to achieve our mission.
We welcome independent, flexible and proactive team players who aren’t afraid to roll
up their sleeves.
Requirements for Volunteers:
To travel as a volunteer with Catch a Smile you need to fulfill the following requirements:
We prefer our volunteers be at least 23 years old (to be able to rent and drive a car for example in Greece)
You must be able to work as a volunteer for at least 7 days
You must have the willingness to work hard in a demanding environment requiring long days/hours
(sometimes even night shifts) -
We value people with a high level of initiative and sense of personal responsibility,
who can follow through tasks with minimal direction -
You must be prepared for unpredictability of work
It would be advantageous if you have strong language skills
Catch a Smile has a particular need for people with experience in:
psychosocial support
health professionals
interpreters in Arabic, Persian/Farsi, Dari and Kurdish
In cooperation with our partner organisation in Greece we are looking especially for long
term volunteers (more than 2 months). Our partners from Dunkerque/France are also in need of short term volunteers (a weekend or 7-14 days). So time should be no excuse!
Registration as a volunteer:
If you want to volunteer with Catch a Smile you have to register.
Steps to register:
- Write us an email, we will send you our registration form
- If you want to travel as a volunteer with us, you need to read and approve our guidelines. This is done in your profile.
- You will receive an email with further information.